What Can I Expect During An Echocardiogram?

When you visit a cardiologist, your doctor may advise you to have an echocardiogram of your heart performed. It is essentially an ultrasound of the heart used to diagnose various heart problems. Sound waves can be used to create a moving image of the heart. Do you want to know about echocardiogram costs ? Echo is a painless and straightforward treatment that does not involve any radiation. With echocardiography, there are no known dangers or risks. You will be requested to lie down on a bed and undress from the waist up when entering the Eco Room. During the echocardiogram, the doctor or echocardiographer will implant electrodes on your chest to capture your ECG. A small amount of gel is applied to your chest, followed by the placement of a small transducer near your sternum. Sound waves are generated by the transducer and directed towards the heart. During an echo, the echocardiographer may use a transducer to apply pressure to your chest. Depending on the position ...